"Gondola" - 11"x14" Acrylic Painting By Corinne Fallone

"Gondola" - 11"x14" Acrylic Painting By Corinne Fallone


Travel is so inspiring and so much fun. Venice is one of my favorite travel destinations as I have fallen in love with the quirky and imperfect buildings that reside there. This painting not only captures the classically Venice characterized buildings, but the famous gondola travels as well. This painting brings all of the romantic feelings of Venice along with its beautiful textures and metallic copper brush strokes.

Acrylic paint on wrapped canvas. Finished with high gloss varnish. Wired and signed on the back of the painting.

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"Window To Rome" - 24"x36" Acrylic Painting by CAF Creations

Sale Price:$997.00 Original Price:$1,200.00
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"Florence" - 11"x14" Acrylic Painting By Corinne Fallone

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"Mykonos Windmills" - 11"x14" Acrylic Painting By Corinne Fallone

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"Amalfi Views" - 16"x20" Acrylic Painting By Corinne Fallone

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"If Windows Could Speak" - 20"x20" Acrylic Painting By Corinne Fallone

Sale Price:$439.00 Original Price:$480.00